
Welcome to the site for The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park.

Please refer to the posting "Introduction" below
and examine the end of the page for maps
and details about special events,
such as the parade
or other events
that may occur remotely
from the stage
at the Park.

Cinema Under the Stars is left at the top of the page because the films, which are intended to be shown on alternating weekends, require frequent updating.

The show-times are approximate
because of the changing sunset time and go up when it is dark enough.

You are advised to arrive early to choose a good spot in the field. We have concession items available and in the future may have blankets available for rental.

Be sure to bring insect repellent, although we do use citronella to cut back on mosquitoes, you will need to protect yourself.

Refer to the IMS Virtual Studio for a countdown to the current film showing.

In the Event of Rain;

Live Performances at the stage are canceled if the sky is not clear and the ground dry by 1:00 p.m. with no forecast of rain for the remainder of the day.

For Cinema Under the Stars the ground must be dry by 5:00 p.m. and no forecast for rain that evening.

Unless otherwise specified there is no rain date.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Costumes for the parade and performances

 We have a limited number of costumes which are now in stock at the Park.

You can select a costume on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

They have been provided by Cargill Custom Costumes of Pipersville.

Although, we do not have a costumer, so I selected what I could find that might work. So no promises there.

We have a few head-pieces, some robes capes, dresses, shirts, knickers.  No socks or shoes.  No belts or sashes. No props.

Anyone needing a costume might find something here.

Obviously it's first come first served.

There will be rental cost involved and if you picked your own full costume that fee would be $35 this year.

If you use pieces then make an appropriate contribution, so I don't have to pay it myself. AG

    Parade Flyer

    Here's a copy of the flyer we are handing out at the parade.

    There is still room on the back for Sponsors Names.
    The cost is $150 per line.

    and you can use PayPal to purchase your line of credit.

    Feel free to print this out and hand it around if you are participating
    either as a sponsor or a performer.

    Monday, June 28, 2010

    Press Releases for the July 5th Festivities

    • Cinema Under the Stars at Tamanend Park's Meadow Amphithetare:  This Saturday July 3rd  The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park will be presenting the  1938 film production of "Robin Hood" starring Errol Flynn. This in in preparation of the Southampton Days Parade where the theme will be Robin Hood. 
    • The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park invite all Renaissance Folk who would like to join them walking in the Southampton Day Parade to don their costumes and gather at Image of the Mind Studios parking lot at 1325 Industrial Highway, Southampton at 8:30 am  on July 5th.  The parade is a two mile route ending at Tamanend Park where the Shakespeareans will be having performances at The Meadow Amphitheatre and a barbecue hosted by Fat Jacks of Southampton.  Included in the performances is a World Premier presentation of a Act I Scene I from a new musical/opera titled "Midsummer",  Also enjoy fencing demonstrations and "Spontaneous Shakespeare": where anyone wishing to try their hand at Shakespeare are invited to participate in script-in-hand readings.  Bring a blanket or chair, the events are free, the food is not. Donations would be most appreciated.  Information online at-

    Bucks County composer reawakens the music of Shakespeare's classic comedy.

    • Shakespearean scholars agree that A Midsummer Night's Dream was originally a musical, where fairies danced their rounds and sang their Queen to sleep, and Oberon, King of the Fairies, intoned blessings on Theseus' palace. But, like so many works, including the first Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, while the words have been immortalized, the music is lost forever.
    • Now, local composer, Michael Dutka breathes musical life back into Shakespeare's glorious fantasy. And on July 5th, 2010, at 3PM, The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park will present the first scene of Midsummer in the park's open-air theater, The Meadow Amphitheatre.
    • A treat for Shakespeare-lovers, music-lovers, and children of all ages. Admission free.

    Parade Sponsorship

    Read on for details regarding your sponsorship of our presence in 
    The Southampton Days Parade
    the events following the parade 
    The Meadow Amphitheatre 


    Our Most Appreciative Thanks 
    to the sponsors of our appearance in the 

    Because of their assistance 
    in making a nice presentation...

    ...we were awarded 
    * First Place *
    in the 
    Neighborhood Division

    Please patronize these businesses 
    as a way to say thank you 
    for caring about your community

    Image of the Mind Studios
    Theatrical Production

    R.C.Kletzing Inc- CNC Machining Services

    1325 Industrial Highway, Southampton

    Cargill Theatrical Enterprises


    Johnny Appleseed at The Orchard Artworks

    A Sponsorship Program Book 
    The Shakespearean Journal
     is being published and advertising space is available 

    Anyone who would care to be a sponsor of our programs please contact me at


    Regarding Sponsorship of the parade; 

     Here's the wagon/carriage we are considering 
    bringing into the parade this year.
    We can only do this with the assistance of our sponsors.

    So if you care to join us in making a fun time 
    for the folks in and at the parade
    then please become a sponsor.
    We are also looking at horse and riders as well.

    Remember the theme is 
    "Robin Hood"  
    you are welcome to join us in walking the parade route.

    • 2009 was the first year that we approached doing the parade with the assistance of individuals and business sponsorship. The results of which proved that many people are appreciative of what we are working to achieve.

    • So it is that- the ongoing method of funding the activities of the parade will be to offer participation to our sponsors by promoting their contribution in the flyer that is handed out during the parade and for the upcoming year in all our subsequent publications, including the hard copy of "The Shakespearean Journal" which is handed out at performances and to interested parties during the year.  

    • Contributors will also be promoted by posting a word of thanks here in the on-line version of "The Shakespearean Journal" with links to their own web pages.  

    • The online edition of the Journal, which you are looking at now, will also include an archive section where past activities will remain available for review. Thus the posting for any given year and it's links will also remain until such time as it is necessary to purge the information.

    • Sponsorship of the parade takes the form of purchasing a line of credit on the flyer which is handed out at the parade by the costumed performers and others who have joined us in walking in the parade.

    • The flyers are also handed out year round in our other promotional efforts

    • Currently there are 18 spaces available on the flyer. 

    • in 2009 the cost per line was $100 and this has proven to be insufficient to cover the cost of the parade.  So in 2010 the cost per line will be $150.

    • If more than one line is purchased the first line is highlighted in bold.

    • The first year we handed out 5,000 flyers, but there were no sponsors. In 2009 we handed out somewhere between 3,500 and 4,00 flyers and the reduction was mainly due to the fact that the parade moved along faster and the participants did more performing along the route, in part because of the advanced theatricality of the presentation.

    • Look for a reproduction of the last year's and this years flyers to appear here in the near future.

    • If you care to purchase a line of credit in the upcoming flyer you can make your check, or money order,  out to Arthur Greisiger (Artistic Director of the Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park) 

    • Mail your check to "The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park c/o Tamanend Park 1255 Second Street Pike, Southampton, PA 18966

    • You can also pay for your ad using PayPal  or contribute any amount to help the programing and the stage facilities in Tamanend Park be maintained and grow.

    Wednesday, June 9, 2010

    Schedule for: The Day of the Parade

    • You will note that our performances are not listed in the schedule of events.  This is because the 4th of July program time-slot at the Meadow Amphitheatre was not developed sufficiently, in time for the advertising deadline.   
    • This year is our first attempt to provide performances during Southampton Days.  If we have a good showing of folks, to walk in the parade and invite the audience to visit our performances, then we will have a better idea of what we need to do for next year and how viable this date can be for performances.
    • Next year we need to get commitments sooner from our participants if we are to avail ourselves of the promotions for Southampton Days.  Keep this in mind for the future.
    • As our troupe begins to build an established, regular staff of active participants, we need to develop our annual schedule and the foundational performances therein, well ahead of time.
    • So join us in the parade and afterward at the stage in The Meadow Amphitheatre, which is deeper in the park and is remote from the main events that are taking place where the carnival is being held, out by Second Street Pike.   
    • Find your way to the park office and from there you will easily find The Meadow Amphitheatre by following our banners.
    • At approximately 3:00 pm the park will be closed to all traffic, except those who are paying for parking in The Pavilion Field.
    • We will want some of our folks to help in directing people who are parking their cars over to The Meadow Amphitheatre,   So please volunteer to do that,

    Thursday, June 3, 2010


    Welcome to the online site for 
    The Shakespearean Journal

    It is a publication designed to support the activities of 
    The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park
    and is being designed as a forum
    for people to interact on various subjects
    of Shakespearean Lore and production activity.

    You are invited to post your comments
    regarding projects you are working on,
    thoughts you may have
    or articles you have written
    about the works of the Bard,
    or ideas you have
    for programs we could produce

    The Meadow Amphitheater
    Southampton's Tamanend Park

    Please feel free to post details about the programs 
    which we are producing:
    • a program that you are, or have been involved in
    •  a program you are producing or directing
    • what you would like to see produced.

    This site will serve as a means for people
    to communicate with one another
    as we work together
    to build a troupe of players
    and gather the resources to succeed.

    The Shakespearean Journal is published as a hard-copy booklet, updated twice a year during our performance time-slots and designed to reach out to the community as a Sponsorship program. It is intended to be a fund raising devise and to provide that basic costs of maintaining The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park and The Meadow Amphitheatre.

    Each individual program produced at the stage will require it's own funding plan and it may be that the season's schedule will also be supported by the activities of The Journal, once the basic maintenance expenditures are secured.

    A goal of The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park is to establish a balanced operating plan as it pertains to the status as a non-profit organization and it's relationship to the immediate community and the larger arts-funding organizations who have approached us with the offer of support.

    I will be creating posts here on the projects we are working on, however I will leave these pages open to the other participants and post the specific details of scheduling and such to the IMS Virtual Studio posts.  I will make reference here and create links as necessary, but this site is intended mostly as a site for persons other than myself to dialogue, communicate and post their efforts for all to see.

    You must understand and agree that anything you post here may be reproduced in the hard-copy of The Journal, without compensation to you for doing so.  If you have material that you would like to submit which requires compensation- communicate this to:

    Arthur Greisiger via email at

    NOTE: I seemed to have had trouble posting comments here,
    something which needs to be corrected,
    if you likewise have a problem,
    send your post to me in an email
    and I will insert it verbatim.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Annual July 4th Barbecue and Performance time-slot

    • The barbecue after the parade is a nice event for the Shakespeareans.  It seems to be developing as a solid gathering time for both the Shakespearerans and our developing audience.  
        • At some point this may become a fund raising event that will help us to continue to produce programming at The Meadow Amphitheater.
        • The planning and implementation of this event is an area where your assistance would be most welcomed.  If you are good at this kind of thing and would like to help, then please join us in our effort to create a nice gathering of people interested in theatre of this nature.
        • Last year we managed the barbecue ourselves for the benefit of the folks who walked in the parade.  This year we are going to invite the audience along the parade route to come over to the stage and so we are looking for a food service vendor who can sell food to the public.  It may be possible for us to manage this ourselves, but I believe there are license issues if we are selling to the public.
        • If you would like to be considered for managing this event please let that fact be known. We have discussed this with a few people but no decision has been made yet.