
Welcome to the site for The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park.

Please refer to the posting "Introduction" below
and examine the end of the page for maps
and details about special events,
such as the parade
or other events
that may occur remotely
from the stage
at the Park.

Cinema Under the Stars is left at the top of the page because the films, which are intended to be shown on alternating weekends, require frequent updating.

The show-times are approximate
because of the changing sunset time and go up when it is dark enough.

You are advised to arrive early to choose a good spot in the field. We have concession items available and in the future may have blankets available for rental.

Be sure to bring insect repellent, although we do use citronella to cut back on mosquitoes, you will need to protect yourself.

Refer to the IMS Virtual Studio for a countdown to the current film showing.

In the Event of Rain;

Live Performances at the stage are canceled if the sky is not clear and the ground dry by 1:00 p.m. with no forecast of rain for the remainder of the day.

For Cinema Under the Stars the ground must be dry by 5:00 p.m. and no forecast for rain that evening.

Unless otherwise specified there is no rain date.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Southampton Days Parade

 We will not be walking in 
The Southampton Days Parade 
this year. 

I'm exhausted, burned out  and simply cannot muster up the energy to do it. For those of you who want to walk please do so. I did not register The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park with the parade.

I've been very busy with Cinema Under the Stars , the next film will be on July 2nd, come by if you want to talk about the parade or anything else.

Work on two Gilbert & Sullivan shows "Princess Ida" & "HMS Pinafore" took up most of the spring/summer planning resources for Shakespeare in the Park & the Parade, so this season will be focused on the films at the stage.  Performers who want to take the stage before the movies are welcome to do so at any time. Just show up an hour before the film.

I/we just spent a great deal of energy presenting a world premiere reading of "Nunc Licet: a stage play about Emanuel Swedenborg"

Work is continuing on writing "The Gnomes of New Hope: a stage musical" and that is also talking a lot of energy to do.

 I hope that we will be able to have a picnic at the stage sometime soon, it will just not be during the parade this year and the picnic will be for those who are or want to be part of the efforts in Tamanend Park.

Sorry about that. I'm too pooped to pop. AG

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