
Welcome to the site for The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park.

Please refer to the posting "Introduction" below
and examine the end of the page for maps
and details about special events,
such as the parade
or other events
that may occur remotely
from the stage
at the Park.

Cinema Under the Stars is left at the top of the page because the films, which are intended to be shown on alternating weekends, require frequent updating.

The show-times are approximate
because of the changing sunset time and go up when it is dark enough.

You are advised to arrive early to choose a good spot in the field. We have concession items available and in the future may have blankets available for rental.

Be sure to bring insect repellent, although we do use citronella to cut back on mosquitoes, you will need to protect yourself.

Refer to the IMS Virtual Studio for a countdown to the current film showing.

In the Event of Rain;

Live Performances at the stage are canceled if the sky is not clear and the ground dry by 1:00 p.m. with no forecast of rain for the remainder of the day.

For Cinema Under the Stars the ground must be dry by 5:00 p.m. and no forecast for rain that evening.

Unless otherwise specified there is no rain date.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Update: Spring 2011

  •     This years efforts for a Spring production have been relatively non-existent because I am currently involved in three other spring shows that are not Shakespearean.  However the work is continuing on planning and stage improvements.  
  • We are working to construct a trolley system for the backstage area so that we can quickly and easily  change the backdrops, we are expanding and improving the shop space we have in the barn, and we are planning performance events to go along with the Cinema Under the Stars program for this year.
  •    After the past three years of effort, with some successes and some failures, I have concluded that offering the stage to performers before the film showings is the best way to keep The Meadow Amphitheatre active during the season. therefore I will not be planning any grand events for The Shakespeareans unless I have a few more folks join in to make those events happen.
  • The July Forth Parade will only happen if more folks join in the planning and funding effort.  If you want to walk in the parade, you must let me know and give me a definite commitment, telling me what you are able to do.  We have some folks who want to do the parade, but I am not certain we have enough yet. We may offer simply a picnic at the stage, but walking in the parade would be very nice. Last year I paid for costumes for people, but this year, unless we have a costumer, you will need to get your own.  I may send out a notice about that.  The horse and carriage from last year will need to be paid for up front, as I do not want to take on a debt in that regard and I still have an amount due on account.  I  have not made an effort at fund raising for the parade, due to other projects that are demanding my time.  With at least two other people working on the parade planning and fund raising I think we can do it.   We will be showing "The Patriot" on July 2nd with Cinema Under the Stars, so any colonials who want to walk in the parade and join us would be fine. Costuming does not need to be Renniassance. Just so we have costumed people in the parade.  We are planning a Colonial Concert of Sacred Music for next year's Forth of July festivities. You are welcome to get involved with that. We need to build a troupe of singers and Actors for that event.
    •   We are discussing building a Board of Directors for The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park because we need that in order to seek a 501c Not-for-profit status.  There have been numerous offers for funding but it is all contingent upon receiving this tax-exempt staus.
    • We now have the opportunity to bring The American Shakespeare Centre's touring shows into The Meadow Amphitheatre. This will cost a substantial amount to support their tour, but it is worth the effort and we should come together to make that happen.  I will be producing a fund raising document specifically for that purpose and we may make a larger festival of it if we can.  Possibly seeking to include the Pennsylvainia Shakespeare Festival in the event. 
    • We will be working on expanding the stage to accommodate this. Not so much the size of the stage but the facilities and flexibility of the backdrops. One current goal is to rebuild the backdrop frame so that it is strong enough for us to  make it into a balcony from which we can perform.  I will post pictures of the backdrop we need to start working on so anyone wishing to help with this will understand what we need to do.
    If you care about seeing
    Shakespeare in the Park
    continue and grow, 
    then I implore you to get involved 
    in any way you can.

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